Shepherd's Watch Background Check Registration

Please fill out all required fields below to set up your Shepherd's Watch account with CIA.
(* indicates a required field):

E-mail Address: *
Create Password: * - min 8 characters, 1 or more upper case letters, 1 or more lower case letters, 1 or more numbers and 1 or more of these special characters:~ ! # $ ^ * _ < >
Verify Password: *
Name: *First Name:

Middle Initial:

Last Name:
Church Phone # *: - - Ext:
Fax Number: - -
Church Name: *
Group Publishing Acct #: *
Type of Business:
Street Address: *
Street Address 2:
City: *
State: *
Zip/Postal Code: *
Church Size: *
What is the "Tax Status" on this account in the state of TX? *
How did you hear about us? *
Enter the security word in the picture in the field below, then submit this form.