" Register with Clear Investigative Advantage



Lifeway One Source endorses Clear Investigative Advantage for background checks.

Fill out the form below to register for a new account.
This registration form is to establish a church account with CIA. If you are looking to have a background check run on yourself as a volunteer, please contact your church administrator.
First Name is required.
Last Name is required.
Phone Number is required - numbers and the following charaters are allowed: - ( ) /
Email Address is required in correct format.
Password must meet requirements below.
Password must meet requirements below.
Password Requirements: Length: 8 to 20 characters, 1 or more upper case letters, 1 or more lower case letters, 1 or more numbers and 1 or more of these special characters: ~ ! # $ * _ < >
Church Name is required.
Church Address Line 1 is required.
City is required.
Select 'State'.
Zip Code is required (only numbers and dash allowed - dash allowed if format is XXXXX-XXXX).
Select 'Tax Status'.
Discount code:
Select 'How did you hear about us'.
Select 'How did you hear about us?'.
Please type a message.